When one thinks of space and time it is usually from the human perspective. Why? Because we seem to be the only ones communicating about such things for many centuries or millennia. Additionally, when researching some of the earliest known observations of the night sky we find various ways human kind has tried to express their awareness and discoveries. From cave drawings to ornate objects attempting to relay its importance, clearly human kind has been trying to make sense of celestial bodies and time.

So why establish “time” as an interval of space. Simply because human kind can only use their known reference as such to explain possibly existence and events such as seasons. Meaning, we try to elaborate movement as an element of time to explain or communicate what we know. Interestingly, this is based all on our own awareness of time or the measurement of it. Now before we go into the elaboration of time as it relates to human kind let us consider other potential perspectives based on known facts as well. First, presenting the thought that time is calculated basically on one full rotation of the planet earth. Of course this could be argued though for our purpose, and maintaining a general point of understanding, time for us is based on a 24 hour cycle of a rotation of the planet earth. Given this then let’s look at the possibility of other planets in our solar system and their rotation. 

It is established that Mercury takes approximately 1407.5 hours for one full rotation. Furthermore, in comparison to earth , it would be 58.646 days for a complete rotation. Now if one did some basic math it would be clear that in Mercury time things just take much longer such as a single day to pass by. It’s almost like saying it would take two earth months for a single day on Mercury. Wow, that would be a very long day at the office. Point established.

So then, why the discussion of how man, or human kind, molds time. Well, simply stated we have established the rule in relationship to space and time.  Considering the shear magnitude of space which is basically measured, how is that we have established the rule of time? Point is, in perspective of the universe it might be considered quite immature to issue we actually understand time and space relative to the ultimate unknown.

The point is, possibly, our earth view is spinning at a rate that is so fast, that we may actually be existing in an accelerated pace which is actually not normal in relationship to the universe. Might we be actually living in hyper-speed? Maybe it’s a thought we should ponder and then in the end try to slow down and enjoy the time we have.