Christians, Jews, Muslims alike share one thing in common. In fact we can say with some level of confidence that we all share one thing in common which is ancestry. Science has been diligently, over the years, proving that we share common DNA and this DNA can be traced back to almost a single ancestor. Certainly, there is controversy around who the single individual or individuals are though for our commentary today we will focus on the high level fact that we all do share ancestry. For some of us we believe that a single line goes all the way back to Noah and his family. This is not to create more controversy but more to center on a point of understanding. This ancestry actually binds together many faiths and religions to a single point of understanding, or moreover, to a set of base principals or life practices. 

It’s fascinating human kind strives to know and understand their existence and how we all came to be. In some way this fascination and desire to prove this reveals a very central need to somehow understand the massiveness of creation. Purely stated, as a comparison to all that is, we are a single grain of sand on a beach compared to the universe. This very vastness bogles the mind and to intelligent beings confounds us to a point of wanting to prove we know, or try to know the answer.

Comparatively,  I often reflect upon religious leaders who make statements of prophecy and great revelation. Personally, I am challenged when I hear these kinds of statements because to me it reflects human kind trying to show it knows more than what it possibly can explain rather than providing answers for basic human needs. “What makes human kind elevate itself to a point of understanding when human kind in itself is unable to solve human tragedies such as starvation on the planet?” A logical question. To me, making claims of a great understanding of the universe compared to the smallness of a planetary body which in itself has rudimentary needs to solve for is a bit ridiculous. It’s like lifting a trillion tons but being unable to pick up a toothpick. It’s simply a person’s contradictory statement of “see my great awareness, however, I myself am unable to solve some of our basic human problems.”

Apologies for the dramatic, though, it is important to point out that some us follow those very same type of humans making these very same kind of statements. So then, is it possible to understand some basic principals for life to work with and achieve a balanced life with a sense of purpose and meaning other than reaching for an awareness which reflects cosmic elevation? I feel the answer is yes.

If we look at the foundational simplicity of Noah in various writings, a fundamental principal appears from his actions not statements. The act of love. A love of a person wanting to help someone else or others is a foundational base that in itself can create positive output. Yes, if one really researches they can find this very thread in many religions writings. Then the question should be , “why is there a common thread of love in many if not most of all the religions?” Ancestry. It is a single thread which permeates all bodies of man. Yet, there are a few who focus on the opposite of love which most would say is also a human characteristic. So to love and acting in love is a rudimentary foundation which we all can do.

The key to all of this is research. One should simply rely on oneself to discover basic answers which can be applied to ones life immediately. Doing something for someone else out of love, especially avoiding self recognition, is a basic fundamental principal that will often result in a happier more balanced life. Outside of a cosmic response or understanding if we work to understand the principal of love, then helping someone to eat would be an easy outcome.